Friday, 26 August 2011

Balik Raya Ogos 2011

Pagi ni saya akan balik untuk beraya di kampung tercinta... Dah tak sabar nak mengadap ibu tercinta..babah tersayang.. Abg dan kakak serta Ajim!

Saya doakan semua orang pun beraya dengan selamat dan gembira! Oleh sbab di kampung..saya tak sure dpt update blog ini atau tak..hopefully in future I got something to gossip about! :p

Akhir kata dari saya... Maafkan salah silap saya selama ini..saya hanya manusia biasa.. Jika ada antara kawan-kawan yang tak suka Mia..anggaplah begini..Mia juga adalah anak kepada seseorang..adik kepada seseorang..cucu kepada seseorang dan kawan kepada awak..Mudahan hati awak dipermudah untuk memaafkan saya.. As for me.. I forgive everything.. :)

Salam Aidilfitri . Maaf Zahir Batin
Sent by DiGi from my BlackBerry® Smartphone

Thursday, 25 August 2011

Lagu Terbaik Yang Saya Sangat Suka : Anda - Menghitung Hari

Everytime I listen to this song, it made somewhere in my heart itch and I get stomachache..
For slow-song-lovers... you must love this! Listen and read into its lines.. 

menghitung hari detik demi detik
menunggu itu kan menjemukan
tapi ku sabar menanti jawabmu
jawab cintamu.....

jangan kau beri harapan padaku
seperti ingin tapi tak ingin
yg aku minta tulus hatimu
bukan pura-pura......

jangan pergi dari cintaku
biar saja tetap denganku
biar semua tahu adanya
dirimu memang punyaku.....

belum pernah aku jatuh cinta
sekeras ini seperti padamu
jangan sebut aku lelaki
bila tak bisa dapatkan engkau....

jangan sebut aku lelaki....

T . A . G 1

As I selongkar my notes in my fesbukkk... I found this, and I would like to reanswer and repost this in my blog! Do feel free to answer one like this too :) 
*Actually we have 2 tags...but let me answer this Tag 1 first ya...

Bekas kekasih saya adalah : semuanya teruna mungkin (ummm..mungkin??idk,never asked)

Saya sedang mendengar : lagu Beribu Sesalan from my phone! *adoii dgr lagu ni je jadi sakit perotttt!

Mungkin saya patut : kumpul duit untuk pergi Venice satu hari nanti

Saya suka : muyuk.kerana dia kucing yang sombong tetapi kacak dan saya suka menciumnya.

Sahabat-sahabat baik saya : sememangnya baik pada saya dan saya bimbang tidak mampu membalas jasa mereka.

Saya tak paham : kenape bila saya suka orang tu dia tak suka saya dan bila saya tidak suka dia pula suka?

Saya kehilangan : jam putih kesayangan saya yang hanya sempat saya gunakan 3 bulan. (oh! saya harap jam hitam baru saya tidak membaca nota ini. saya tak mau hati dia terluka lalu merajuk :(

Ramai yang berkata : saya ni pelik dan kelakar.  tak kurang ramai yang panggil saya kartun.

Makna nama saya : setahu saya pemimpin atau puteri. tapi saya lebih suka maksud yang puteri ekekke.

Cinta itu adalah : benci. sayang. suka. menyampah. cemburu. malas nak ingat. air mata. tidur.

Di suatu tempat, seseorang sedang : aku xtau ape ko buat, ko pon xtau ape aku buat hahahha.

Saya akan cuba : belajar sepandai mungkin dan kerja sebaik mungkin dan sambung belajar di luar negara.

Ayat SELAMANYA membawa maksud : adalah memalukan kerana saya hanya terfikirkan cinta untuk kaitan 'selamanya' sama seperti "saya cintakan awak selamanya" oleh sebab malu saya dah tak nak terangkan apa-apa lagi.

Telefon bimbit saya : adelah sony ericsson jenis slide dan bb slide jugak! aku gile slide!!! deal wit it!!

Bila saya terjaga dari tidur : saya takkan tipu korang dengan kata saya cantek masa bangun tidur. Saya busuk, saya comot, bantal jatuh ke lantai, rambot kusot masai macam kena litar pintas!

Saya paling meluat apabila : orang yang berjanji tapi x tunaikan dan orang yang cakap tak serupa bikin.

Pesta/Parti adalah : event!!bidang saya!!
*duncet duncet!

Haiwan yang paling comel yang saya pernah temui ialah : pochi..dia mak muyuk tapi dia dibuang sebab mengagatal dengan jantan yang comot dan tak setaraf dengannya.

Peringkat umur yang paling menyeronokkan bagi saya ialah : bermula sebaik sahaja selepas sekolah sehingga sekarang kerana pada masa itulah baru ade orang yang buka mata pada kewujudan saya di dunia ini.

Hari ini : saya dah terlajak tidor dan terlepas janji nak shisha dengan kawan-kawan saya... soriii pals!! :'(

Malam ini saya akan : menonton wayang Cars 2 bersama Kiti dan Shasya!!! wehuuu!!!

Esok pula saya akan : balik kamponggg oiiii!! nak raya dah niiii lagi 4 ariiii jekkkk hihihihih

Saya betul-betul inginkan : ANC dan lelaki setia yang faham saya

Ketika anda lihat wajah anda di hadapan cermin pagi ini : saya tak sanggup nak lihat sebab saya dah tidur lebih 6jam! muka saya seperti hantu.

Pusat membeli-belah atau arked permainan : tempat saya selalu terserempak dengan ibu bapa rakan saya berdamping bukan dengan pasangan mereka.

Makanan Barat atau Jepun : makanan barat tetapi orang jepun.hehe.

Bilik yang terang atau gelap: terang kerana saya ada teddy bear yang banyak dalam bilik ini. saya takut mereka hidup di tempat gelap.
nanti dia cekik saya dan mata dia boleh gerak-gerak...takottttt!!!!

Makanan segera adalah : tidak mengenyangkan dan menggalakkan saya untuk makan dengan lebih banyak.

Ayat terakhir yang anda katakan pada seseorang: bbm yang berbunyi "hahahhahaha..apela awk ni"

So..that's all for Tag 1...  I'll finish Tag 2 whenever I got d time yaa....Thank you for reading kengkawan!! Awesome tau kamu! muahmuah..

Unite + Sutera

Last week we had a break-fasting celebration with Uniters and Suterarians!

Unfortunately....None of Fifteens could make it! :( Too bad..

*For anyone who's wondering what is Unite+Sutera+Fifteen = we are three classes of our same batch in our degree program :)

We had this event at Homst Sec 13... Well...the venue is moderate... the food were also moderate... But one thing wasn't moderate..the service! We had been served by this 'uncle' yang salah-salah hantar order, and he even confused of his own dish! duhhh!  But that's still okay...sbb kitorang best!!hahhaha xpe la uncle... salahh pon booooooleeeeee (tangan ke bahu, mata pandang atas) ~

And the most funny part, when we asked that uncle to take pics for us... wht did he comment??? My sony cam was downgradeds'????? Errr....pakcik...its because of ur hand FYI....not my cam's fault! Ughhh... such uncle! Hihi u are funny unc!  

Above all..Unite + Sutera had fun!  Thanks for everyone attending... Shasya Hot, Kiti Ket, Amat, Mia, Sheena Gugurl, Piqa Ladies, Tini Kiut, Shana Aunt, Putra Aziz, Naem Lat, Jaley Lens, Azfar Fara, Fara Bom, Waney Artis, Fiezza Seksi, Amad Rakus, and Iz Speaker!

Cont. - Press Conference for 4 Production House

For my new fren Mady.... u rock!!!! We got a lot of things in common ;p

There were quite a number of artists went to this PC, held in Hard Rock KL.. humm that i remembered... Pak Yus Jambu, Tauke Jambu, Zarina Zainoordin, Ida Moin, Natasha Hudson and few more.  Together with us is Mia, bos, Ameer, Mady, Reza, Awe, Nizam J, Nizam Hamid, and many more :D

Tuesday, 23 August 2011

Blogging From Email?

How eyhh??

Let me try first!
Sent by DiGi from my BlackBerry® Smartphone

Press Conference for 4 Production House

Today is the press conference for 4 production house to have PC for promoting raya shows...which mostly telemovies.  The 4 are : Broteam Sdn Bhd (ours yeahhhh!!) Colour Bar Pictures Sdn Bhd (ameer's) Timecode Pictures (reza's) and Produksi Prima Kreatif (awe's)..
This event is basically...pc manja-manja with press..buka puasa sambil chit chatting and press release giveaways (which i made that together with Shasya & Tini ;p)
So...7 o'clock at Hard Rock Cafe Kuala Lumpur..

Monday, 22 August 2011

Hatiku Tisu...Hatimu Batu...

Hati perempuan serapuh tisu...

Hati lelaki sekeras batu...

Pernah tak terfikir kenapa orang kata hati perempuan lebih mudah terluka?  Funny that people across the world ada perception yang sama tentang hal ni..

Betul ke bila berpisah, hati perempuan lebih terluka dari lelaki?  Mana orang tahu?? Dapat diuukur ke??  

Sebagai perempuan, saya rasa...bila hati perempuan terluka..terasa macam hati serapuh tisu.. dicarik-carik.. dikoyak-koyak..tapi tak berdarah.. irony isn't it?

Kenapa pulak orang kata hati lelaki sekeras batu?  Sebab orang kata lelaki senang melupakan.  Kenangan bercinta tak mudah berbekas pada lelaki.  Sakit kan?  Aku jeles dengan lelaki macam ni..  Kalaulah perempuan pun boleh ada hati sekeras batu..senang melupakan..tak berbekas di ingatan.. Tak payah lagi nangis sampai mata lebam seinci..tak payah lagi termenung sepanjang hari..tak payah lagi rasa macam nak mati..

Persoalannya...betul ke hati perempuan serapuh tisu dan hati lelaki sekeras batu?  Kalau aku...aku jawab.. tak semua... tak semua macam tu :)  So, masih la ada harapan buat kita..kita cari orang tu..manalah tahu jumpa! :D

Saturday, 20 August 2011

Count on Me - Bruno Mars ..... i dedicated this song for you..yes you! ^^

If you ever find yourself stuck in the middle of the sea
I'll sail the world to find you
If you ever find yourself lost in the dark and you can't see
I'll be the light to guide you

Find out what we're made of

What we are called to help our friends in need

You can count on me like one, two, three

I'll be there and I know when I need it
I can count on you like four, three, two
And you'll be there 'cause that's what friends
Are supposed to do

If you toss and you turn and you just can't fall asleep

I'll sing a song beside you
And if you ever forget how much you really mean to me
Everyday I will remind you

Find out what we're made of

What we are called to help our friends in need

You can count on me like one, two, three

I'll be there and I know when I need it
I can count on you like four, three, two
And you'll be there 'cause that's what friends
Are supposed to do

You'll always have my shoulder when you cry

I'll never let go, never say goodbye

You can count on me like one, two, three

I'll be there and I know when I need it
I can count on you like four, three, two
And you'll be there 'cause that's what friends
Are supposed to do

You can count on me 'cause I can count on you

Convocation December 2010


I love convocation day!

A bit sad actually....y? well..coz i hell love studying!!!


Hihi i hope i get the chance to pursue my Master and then...PhD!! fuhhh fuhhh mintak-mintak murah rezeki!

To all Uniters... Suterarians... Fifteeeeennnssss... Now we had come to this point.. Goodluck and all the best for us!

Remember... I always love all my friends as much as i love sleeping under my comfort comforter! ^^

Few Things

I'm a person with ambitions..

Sometimes I thought I cud rule the country..maybe starting kempen 1Mia.. (scary for u, not for me)

Sometimes I just wanna enjoy life, living at home as a housewife and do noting but jaga my kids.. (scary for me, not for u)

Sometimes I hope I could get married and runaway to a secret island and live ther as survivor n eat daging mentah and coconut (yuck!)

Sometimes I thought I maybe could marry Sultan Selangor n b a young pretty gundik.. (as proposed by dear lecturer En. Latiff)

Sometimes I dreamed about getting serious in movie-making and be a director just like Yasmin Ahmad.. (please pray tis for me)

And sometimes I just wanna be me..marrying a guy who loves till phd..own 4 kids..write scripts..and live simple and happy forever ever after..

Well....above all those, I never know which one will I be..

I'm a girl with confusions...

Some say i'm smart...some say i'm idiot... but i think i'm smadiot!

One said to me..."bodoh, pukimak, sial, babi, hei prempuan" hahhaha funny isn't it? (well, its not funny at was a gigantic pain in my chest everytime he said that)

One said to me..."i will only like u and u alone" tapi kat belakang.....debukkk!!beduyun pompuan lain.. i mean.. what's that??? i did noting wrong to u n yet y r u doing tis? juz because i dont know how to lie...doesn't mean i dont know how to tell wen u're lying to me!

One else said..."he's crazy enuf to let u go" aaaaaa~ that's the sweetest line i ever remembered i heard in d middle of my heartbroken..tengs! even if u lied...tengs...thats sooo sweet. i need that on that time..

I'm a girl with stupid hobbies...

I love learning...funny?? hahhahahaaha...yeah but i really really do... learning is fun to me.. exams are fun too!

I love writing...u figure tis out yourselves aite..

I love camera! God! dont come to me with a canon dslr...i might mingle u around ;p

I collect stamps!!! (krek krek... krek krek..) what???!! it used to be fun wen i was 7!!

I could just live with sleep! just make sure its Glee or Desperate Housewives!

Frens...wht im trying to share here isn't just about myself...but it's about MY WHOLE SELF..
U know why?? coz im tired of people treating me weird ways...n doing stuff i hate..
Please...u suffer enuf...n so do i..
What so hard about being honest and taking care of other feelings?
Take tis as my modest way of asking you people to change..
I mean....i should change too...     d least...i lose 5kg in ramadan!
May us become a better khalifah di bumi Allah..

Allah bless us us...forgive us...Allahuakbar :D